Lina graduated in the United Kingdom and began her career as an administration and account executive. Her average working hours ranged from 10 to 12 hours per day, and during peak periods, she sometimes had to work on weekends. Despite her hard work, she experienced slow income growth and limited career progression.
Allianz recruiter profile

Feeling stagnant in her career, she decided to make a change and joined Allianz in 2006. Since then, she has experienced a drastic increase in income, gained time flexibility, and achieved financial independence, allowing her to enjoy a lifestyle she never thought possible. Her accomplishments include:
- Being an A4CC and A8CC Sapphire Member, provisionally 91 times as of August 2021
- Qualifying for MDRT consecutively 14 times as of August 2021
- Achieving Allianz 5 Star Club status consecutively 19 times as of August 2021
- Serving as an agency manager with 11 agents and maintaining a yearly production of around RM1 million

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