- Malaysians have been put on high alert over the heavy rainfall expected in the coming weeks and months which threaten to ravish properties and assets of all forms.
- According to experts, there is a 79% chance of Malaysians experiencing La Nina, a climate phenomenon characterised by thunderstorms and wet conditions, by year end.
- Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad (“Allianz General”)’s Risk Engineering and Consulting Department have gone one step further in doing its part by issuing a ‘General Flood Guideline’ (GFG) to its Commercial and SME policyholders.
- The Guidelines includes practical operational and business continuity considerations that should be done prior to, during and after flooding, to mitigate its worst effects.
- Included in the Guidelines are also general flood preparedness steps that commercial and SME policyholders can take to assess its vulnerability to flood exposure as well as the related government agencies contact information.
- “We know that a lot of our policyholders, especially smaller businesses, want to take proactive steps to safeguard their business against floods but don’t necessarily have the resources or know-how,” said Rafliz Ridzuan, Chief Underwriting Officer of Allianz General.
- “Furthermore, not all assets or equipment may be insured, therefore, we want to work together with them to mitigate the worst effects of flooding. This is the kind of value proposition we would like to pronounce being the leading general insurer in the industry,” continued Rafliz.
- To find out more about accessing the Guidelines or to learn more about Allianz General’s Commercial and SME business policies, contact an Allianz agent today or visit https://commercial.allianz.com/global-offices/malaysia.html

Allianz General’s Chief Underwriting Officer, Rafliz Ridzuan

Allianz General’s Chief Underwriting Officer, Rafliz Ridzuan